Textilunterricht NRW |
The subject of textiles in NRW |
- An organization
for colleagues of all school types who teach the subject of textiles
- A private association
- Existing since 1972
- Consisting of about 500 colleagues
- Financing itself by the annual fee of 50 Euro
What do we want?
- We
fight for the maintenance of the subject of textiles in the curriculum of
schools of
general education
- We make aware the new orientation of the subject of textiles
- We try to reduce the isolation between colleagues and school types by
information and in-service trainings
What do we do?
- We
publish a magazine twice a year with information about
- School politics concerning the subject of textiles
- The activities of the board
- The annual meetings and in-service trainings
- Regional trainings, exhibitions, regional working groups, etc.
- Lessons planned and proved by colleagues
- We hold an annual meeting and conference for the members at different places
over NRW with changing subject matters
- We offer the interchange between colleagues of all school types in regional
- We lend slide series concerning the history of costume
For more
Email address:
The subject of textiles in NRW
subject of textiles is taught in NRW in primary schools (Grundschulen) as part
design, in all the other school types of secondary education (level I:
Realschule, Gesamtschule and Gymnasium) on different scales.
New curricula for highschools (Gymnasium), forms 5+6, and secondary modern
(Realschule), forms 5-10, were published in 1993/94. Members of the
ARBEITSKREIS TEXTILUNTERRICHT were substantially involved in their development.
The initiative to compile curricula for comprehensive schools (Gesamtschule)
was also
brought forward by members of the ARBEITSKREIS TEXTILUNTERRICHT.
The subject of textiles in NRW has been developed like all the other subjects
by turning
to new dimensions, e.g. technical textiles for medical and technological
purposes or the
problems of textiles and environment. The traditional education of girls in
(teaching the traditional textile techniques as stitching, crocheting or
knitting) has been
overcome for several reasons. Since 1975 the subject is taught co-educationally
(for girls and boys).
The subject of textiles can balance lacks of modern school systems in several
Textiles are not abstract tasks that must be learned rationally. Everybody uses
every day. They are reality, sensually apprehensive and can easily be accessed
seeing or feeling. As the sensorimotor abilities of many children have
decreased, it is
an important task of the subject to use the hand as a human organ that influences
steers developments of thinking.
As the name of the subject in NRW says - Textilgestaltung deals with the design
of textiles:
we use and experience them, change or form them in many possible ways. Then we
try to
find an answer to the question of the function of textile material or the
things made of it.
The third level textiles should be examined on is their meaning: textiles
should be understood
in context of their appearance according to their meaning in the past and the